Greetings from the air. Today I take off again for western Kenya, my first time bak in six months. Our collaboration with Sagam Community Hospital and Maseno University School of Medicine, situated within an hour's drive of beautiful Lake Victoria, continues to go well. Since my return from Kenya in February, I've continued to work at the Contra Costa Regional Medical Center in Martinez, California. As part of the obstetrics training of my global health fellowship, I'm slowly getting better at managing high risk pregnancies and performing cesarean sections and the like. I still have about a year left in the fellowship, and I'm looking forward to it. Five months of this year will be spent in Kenya in two divided trips. The rest of the time I'll be at Contra Costa. And while learning how to operate and creating a training program for doctors in Kenya is pretty cool stuff, the biggest news in my life is that I saw the new Star Trek movie recently. No, just kidding. The biggest news is that two months ago my girlfriend, Mimi, agreed to become my wife. Eventually. We don't have a date set, or a place, or the color of the napkins. But we're committed, super excited, and I'm the happiest I've ever been. We're making this trip to Kenya together. For Mimi, it will be her first time in sub-Saharna Africa (she was born in Egypt and has made one trip back there). She'll be teaching and volunteering with the kids in the local school and hospital. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to share this experience with her. Stay tuned; we'll keep you abreast of what's going on in Sagam.
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